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Little But Dangerous Fingernails😓

I have been writing this blog post for weeks now and I am excited to publish it today. I have learned a lot more from my baby’s nails. This makes the delayed publication a blessing.

My baby’s major weapons are his toe and finger nails. That’s because mommy and daddy keep doing a poor job whenever they cut them. We are yet to use the right tool for trimming baby’s nails. So far, we have been cutting our baby’s finger nails with our teeth.

Few weeks ago, my husband screamed out in pain after the little one pinched his lips. He lamented about the fact that he trimmed those finger nails the day before. He suggested using a better technique like using a nail file or baby nail clipper. Today, I had my share of pinches while breastfeeding the little one.

This situation reveals something important. If we don’t properly deal with our fears, sin and other seemingly minor things that can cause us harm, we will continue to open ourselves up to unnecessary challenges. We should not tolerate evil in any form and the longer we tolerate a problem, the stronger it gets. If we don’t deal with a problem, we give it power over us and empower it to keep hurting us.

My baby’s nails are very tiny but dangerous and we will continue to get hurt until we do what’s needed- trim those nails with the right tool.

Last week or so, I eventually decided to search for our baby’s nail clipper. We were not sure we bought one. Surprisingly, it was found within few minutes. It was where it was supposed to be and we remembered it was purchased before our baby was born.

Alas! My husband and I have been suffering for no reason. The equipment needed to fix the problem was within our reach and it was available before ‘sharp nails’ problem manifested.

The ease at which I found the nail clipper and the fact that it was available all along reminds me of how much resources and gifts I am yet to utilize/maximize. It reminds me of the fact that God, the good father has provided all I will ever need way before I was born. I only need to reach out, lay hold of what my heavenly father has already provided, and begin to utilize them for His glory.

If my father is the great physician, the healer and creator, I shouldn’t tolerate sicknesses and diseases in my body and my home. If He is truly the God who created the heavens and the earth, I must not tolerate lack. I must be blessed and be a blessing. I am tired of living below what my father has made available for me. It’s time to come up higher! Time to Level Up! It’s also time to clip off every problem!

Ephesians 1:3 King James Version (KJV)

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.

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