Reblog:The Season of ‘No’

Wonderful spiritual lesson by another Christian momma raising a toddler. My little one is only 9-month-old but I am already using the words, “Don’t” and “no”. One major take-away from this article is that God doesn’t keep things from us, He keeps them for us. This is why patience is important in our walk with God, parenting and doing life. Jess encourages us to accept the fact that some prayers we tag ‘unanswered’ or ‘NO’ from God may be for our good. Personally, the beauty of every NO is that they challenge me to seek God’s best in every situation. Enjoy this short article and be blessed!


  1. Thanks so much for the share! I really enjoyed reading about your perspective and the idea that God does indeed keep things for us instead of from us. ❤️ It’s always a blessing to read another’s take on God’s goodness! 😄

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