Christian Mommas

Postpartum Problems 1

Motherhood truly changes many things. This is an undeniable fact I have come to embrace. However, I have a choice- accept the things I cannot change and courageously change the things I can change.

Motherhood has brought to light hidden insecurities and fears I never felt before. I have gone from being military fit to somewhat fit. No more six-packs, small waist, well sculpted arms and shoulders. Despite being in a healthy marriage, motherhood came with fears about losing my spouse. I soaked in lies that I was no longer beautiful enough for my spouse and looking in the mirror made me feel sorry for what my body had become.

Eventually, I told my husband I wasn’t FEELING beautiful. He was quick to tell me I am beautiful and he asked me why I felt that way. I talked about my jiggly arms, big thighs, not flat enough stomach, stretch marks…I pointed out my physical imperfections.

DH reminded me that my body went through so much to give life to our little one and it was not an easy task. DH said many things to cheer me up and commended the progress I have made in my postpartum fitness journey.

It is great to have a husband who cheers me up and on, tells me I am beautiful, and adores me despite my inadequacies. However, it is unfair to expect him to make me feel beautiful. Beauty is a state of mind and I have to constantly renew my mind and my concept of beauty with God’s word. In addition I have to remind myself that placing my sense of worth/confidence in physical beauty is tragic because beauty is fleeting.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised. 

Proverbs 31:30

I prayed and had an honest conversation with myself. I can change my physical features by losing weight and getting toned but beauty ultimately comes from within. It comes from placing my sense of worth and value in Jesus. Beauty comes from seeing myself the way God sees me and opening myself up to the love of God.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.

Psalm 139:14

I have chosen to see myself through God’s eyes, courageously embrace my stretchmarks and wide hips because I cannot fix them….and I am sticking with a fitness plan to change the things I can change. Doing these things brings me physical, emotional and spiritual freedom. I encourage every first-time momma in similar situation to do the same. If you need help with a fitness plan and spiritual growth, please send a message here or contact Lisa Melara

God bless you richly!

Thank you for reading.

PS: Do you have a word for first-time mommas or would like to share how you dealt with postpartum problems? Kindly drop a message below. Sharing is caring.

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