Fertility and Supernatural Birth Testimony

This testimony video is a response to searches for “Christian testimonies” on this page. I was excited and my joy overflowed when my husband showed me this testimony. It’s a perfect testimony for your ears and spirit my sister.

This testimony reminds me of my own story. I will be sharing my pregnancy and birth story in few days as I reflect on the past 1 year as a first-time momma.

I love testimonies, they encourage me to believe for the best and they remind me that I serve a living God. Giants are still being slain, the dead are still being raised and the Lord God Almighty, Jehovah has not changed. Jehovah is still in the business of doing wonders and working miracles.

Stay blessed and keep your faith alive. God has not forgotten you.

Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. 

Psalm 34:5

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