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Dealing with Insecurities: Stay-at-Home Mom

Every woman’s life is a unique mixture of challenges, blessings, victories, goal achievements, failures, heartbreaks, divorce or marriage success and so on. Even motherhood takes on different set of values, experiences, and choices. This is because our career paths, mindsets, beliefs, and opportunities differ.

Some moms enjoy the privilege of staying home full-time with their babies for a period of time or till those children leave the nest. Others need to resume work in as short a time as 6 weeks postpartum. Meanwhile some mothers have flexible work arrangements allowing them to experience the best of both worlds.

I once went through a week where my friends who were working moms were too busy to respond to my chats. At other times, my decisions as a SAHM were questioned. Whenever I beg off invitations for a meeting or a friend-date, people find it hard to understand why. What’s there to do at home that I choose not to go out and have fun!? Some assume I use my baby as an excuse and I am not serious enough to pursue proposed business opportunities

While many of these were implied without being explicitly stated, I guess my inner insecurities and low esteem this season as a “stay at home” mom (SAHM) makes me feel these things or this way. I am sure I am not alone here.

I decided that if a career mom doesn’t feel the need to apologize for her lifestyle choice, why should I as a SAHM?

Dear stay at home moms, if you are reading this right now, know that being called to be a parent full time is phenomenal!! Why? You are taking care of your child better than anyone else can and you aren’t being paid for it!

In a day, you continually pick up after your child(ren), running after them in excitement as some discover that walking is the greatest possible achievement in their young lives. Making three square meals a day and cleaning up each time, keeping on top of chores, while running errands.

These days, most of us are entrepreneurs, we find ways to work remotely, earn money online, and keep up with church and school activities.

In my next few posts, I will pick some points from the amazing stay at home mom described in Proverbs 31.

Instead of letting insecurity consume us, let’s do something about it. Let’s cast our cares, fears, worries, anxieties, and insecurities on our loving father (1 Peter 5:7). In Him we can live a purpose driven life. Look deep down and question your ability to do more and cut out time wasting activities or get started with that business idea.

I would like to hear from you, How do you deal with seasons of insecurity as a stay at home mom?

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