Celebrating Fellow Christian Bloggers

Today, I would like to celebrate and honor two amazing Christian bloggers. I am moved by their faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ despite the trials they face. So many times, we allow our experiences to get in the way of the truth. The truth that our God is a miracle worker and He is a loving father.

Despite having chronic illnesses, these men proclaim God’s goodness: Matthew Kohrell of Jesusluvsall Blog and Bill Sweeny of Unshakeable Hope Blog.

I am thankful for you two, and I am glad I get to read your testimonies. Thank you for showing us what praising God in trials look like.

There are many things we don’t understand. God is always good!

Thank you for visiting this blog. Have a blessed day ♥️


  1. Little sister my friend Joel messaged me about your post. I am touched that you shared my blog and by your kind comments. Thank very much. I feel blessed 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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