My Boot Camp

I had a dream two years ago that I was being sent to boot camp. At the time I knew it wasn’t a physical boot camp, but a time of refining for myself. God called me within the next few months to be a stay at home mom. At the time I felt like I was giving up some things that I didn’t want to give up. A business, a career, relationships, and a lot of myself.

Here I am almost 2 years removed and can stand back and see, my home became my boot camp for ministry. I didn’t give up anything like I thought. It was more handing it to God so that he could mold it into the weapons I would need for the rest of my life. My home has become the training ground for my children, my family, and myself to engage the tools we have been given. This time together has laid a foundation for my children that will be a forever benchmark on how we fight our enemies.

In the last two years we went from being a foster family, to adoptive family to now our family. We have defeated the enemy in several areas that were keeping us from breakthrough and now we hold the keys victoriously. In what seemed like a year of sacrifice for me, was a year to truly engage a lifestyle of worship for my self and my children. They have been equipped with tools that will change the world because of the boot camp we have been through together!
It definitely doesn’t mean it has been easy, but it is a reminder today for me, that just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it’s bad.

“You’ve trained me with the weapons of warfare-worship; now I’ll descend into battle with power to chase and conquer my foes. You empower me for victory with your wrap-around presence. Your power within makes me strong to subdue, and by stooping down in gentleness you strengthened me and made me great! You’ve set me free from captivity and now I’m standing complete, ready to fight some more! I caught up with my enemies and conquered them, and didn’t turn back until the war was won! I pinned them to the ground and broke them to pieces. I finished them once and for all; they’re as good as dead.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭18:34-38‬ ‭(TPT)‬‬


  1. Indeed we have a battle field all around us but when God is our defender we can accomplish great things for His purpose, I’m so thankful to have Him on my side!!!

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