Christian Mommas

What Christianity Means to My Family

It is interesting that I started writing this post on the 14th of May, 2019, and I am finally posting it almost seven months later. I wonder if there are other bloggers with a lot of drafted posts containing one or two sentences waiting to be completed. I am excited to complete this post today due to joyful events that occurred within the last few days. Yesterday, the little one said “Amen” several times to prayers, and he worshiped the God of heaven with mommy and daddy. For the past two weeks, the little one has been singing and humming, “yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so”. That’s one of his bedtime songs. The little one sings other songs but this one melts my heart because he learned this song at home, and it is about Jesus, love, and the Bible. I cannot wait for the little one to fully comprehend what this song means….But, I have to wait.

In my home, Christianity is not a religion. We are not Christians because it was passed down to us by our parents or colonial masters. My spouse and I have a relationship with God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This has become the essence of our lives. We know God, based on our experiences with Him, and we cannot imagine a better life without God. We have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. We have decided to follow Jesus even if we never see another miracle.

We are in a relationship with God for all season because HIS LOVE IS TOO MUCH, God’s excess love makes our life oh so good, and it has kept us through difficult days. We have numerous testimonies of God’s goodness, and our greatest failure as parents would be to deny our children the privilege and blessing of having a relationship with the God who has the best plan for their lives. I tried living like God doesn’t exist, and I was once a hypocritical Christian. Those two ways of life were miserable for me, and I will never make those choices again by God’s grace.

As parents, we want the best lives for our children. Having a relationship with Jesus is the best life I know. It has brought so much joy to my life. I will not teach my children to be religious. I will continue to proclaim Jesus as the Lord of my home, grow in my relationship with Jesus and model love. My light will shine so bright that my children would want to be a part of this good life. That’s how my husband and I intend to teach our children about Jesus. Actions speak louder than words.

Photo Credit: YouVersion Bible App

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