Every Child is a Miracle

Earlier today, I came across the quote below. It got me thinking about two things: every child should be celebrated and humans are irreplaceable.

Source: ittsforchildren.com

The Bible describes our children as gifts from God. Whether our child is developing typically or atypically, let us celebrate that child. Every child is a miracle, a unique gift worthy of celebration.

Humans are irreplaceable. Our place can be taken but our person cannot be replaced. For there is no one like you. There is no one like me.


  1. I love this post. Interestingly enough I’ve being doing a devotional with one of my friends titled “Beautiful Pregnancy” on the YouVersion app. Today, we learned about children being a gift from God and how pregnancy is a beautiful thing despite the symptoms that come along with it. Children are a great reward from the Lord! They are not a mistake. They are a blessing 😊

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