Day 7: Angels in the Nursery

I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.

2 Timothy 1:5 (NIV)

In the field of Infant Mental Health, angels in the nursery are described as past childhood experiences, parenting choices and practices that strengthen the parent-child relationship.  Do you remember those childhood experiences that made you feel loved, secure and understood? You may bring them into your relationship as you raise your little one. They can strengthen your relationship with your child.

Our relationship with God is an important angel we should bring into the nursery. God wants to be a part of our parenting journey. He alone can help you to deeply know and connect with your little one. Allow God to guide your parenting choices and practices instead of primarily relying on your instinct, experience and culture. This will enable you to bring angels instead of ghosts into your nursery.

Timothy’s mother and grandmother brought their relationship with God into their relationship with Timothy. It transformed Timothy’s life and I believe it strengthened their relationship. The best thing we can do for the newborn is to make them a part of our spiritual experiences.

Pray, praise, and worship God as you hold your baby. Soak in God’s presence together. Speak into your baby’s life. Make positive confessions from the Bible over your little one. Do a praise and prayer walk where your little one sleeps. Partner with God in child-rearing. This angel must be in the nursery. This is the only way you can love your little one with the God kind of love which is selfless, patient, fearless, and kind.

Prayer: Thank you Heavenly Father for our relationship. I am glad to be in a relationship with you. Teach me to trust you, grow in my relationship with you, and partner with you as I raise this child. In Jesus’ name. Amen

PS: Thank you for completing the 7 day devotional. I am sure you were blessed. My book, A Christian Mother’s Creed teaches mothers how to keep angels in the nursery. Be sure to get a copy!


  1. These are excellent advice. I love that you said to soak in God’ presence together with your baby. Mothers definitely need angels in the nursery.

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