Christian Mommas

Hey Google!

I will begin with a very short story- the little one woke up one night, screamed “hey Google” and slept right back. It was hilarious and weird. He has heard his father call on Google several times for information, so he is basically doing what his father does. May our children call on the God we serve! Coincidentally again, the little one kept saying “hey Google” while we were looking for the TV remote control few hours ago.

Honestly, I wish we can use “hey Google” to find and solve many things but it is not possible. The good news is that we serve a God who knows all things and we can call on Him to do the impossible.

But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Daniel 2:28

In times of distress, when you do not know what to do, when Google has only bad reports about your diagnosis, feel free to say Hey God! Call on God. God can reveal things to your doctor to help you heal. God can reveal natural remedies to you and He can heal you miraculously.

When you are happy, and all is going well, do not forget to say Hey God! He is always there.

PS: As we overcome coronavirus together, do not let the bad news on Google instill fear in your home. Let God’s Word dwell in your heart and put it on your lips.

Source: Church Eleven32

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