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My Self-care Routine: Homeschool Mama of 5

I get asked all the time, “How do you find time to take care of yourself while raising 5 little ones and homeschooling?”

Truth is, we make time for whatever is important to us. 

Our physical bodies need attention just like souls do. If we want to be healthy spiritually,  we need daily nourishment through reading the Word, prayer, and worship. If we want physical health, we must also put in the time to take care of our temples.

You may be thinking, “Easier said than done! I’m busy! And now a pandemic on top of it!”

Trust me, I get it- Mama of 5, and I homeschool! 

So how do I do it? Here are just a few tips that help me stay on track.

I get up 2 hours before my kids(5 a.m.)
I start my day with Jesus- praying, studying, and worship.
I do a 30-45 minute in home workout- I personally use Beachbody, but there are many! Some are even free!
I plan my meals weekly and stick to my list at the store.
I give myself treats in moderation but typically stick to eating real food- you know, the food God created and not convenience/processed foods.
I drink water and coffee only.

That’s it! It’s really not as hard as we make it out to be! God calls us to honor Him with our bodies. Truth is, I FEEL better when I am doing that! 

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:23

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