Obedience and Growth

Last week, the little one fell several times. Most time he fell, it was a consequence for disobeying his parents. He disobeyed, despite being told some activities were not good and he was presented with safer activities. Every time he fell or hit his head, I did not derive any pleasure. I was not happy. I only hoped he would not repeat the same thing again and did my best to prevent him from hurting himself again. But, guess what..he disobeyed repeatedly because he has a lot of growing up to do. He is yet to fully comprehend why he is not allowed to do some things. Sometimes he gets it, other times he just doesn’t. In all, the little one’s disobedience exposed him to unnecessary pain which I take no pleasure in.

Question to self: Am I walking in disobedience and is it opening me up to unnecessary battles?

Lessons: God does not take pleasure in his children’s pain or suffering. Disobedience opens the door to negative consequences. I learn obedience and grow through the challenges I patiently endure. God is not looking to punish his children. Love seeks to help one grow. Whenever we discipline our children, we should focus on helping them grow. Love does not rejoice in evil. Love disciplines.

Hebrew 5:8-9 ~ Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

Thank you for reading!

This season, I am growing and learning obedience through endurance/patience. What does the process of growth look like for you this season? How are you growing or learning obedience?


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