Christian Mommas

Terrible Twos?

Some call two year olds “terrible twos” because little children strongly assert their independence at this age and this can be difficult to manage. I choose to call this stage the “thrilling twos” and intentionally speak life over the little one. This is one practical way to practice mindful parenting and thrive this stage of parenthood. In the face of disobedience or defiance, I say “you are an obedient child”. Our words are prophetic and powerful. When parenting is tough, we can speak the change we desire. Choosing to speak life changes the atmosphere, how we perceive and respond to our child’s behavior.

In parenting and other daily interactions, we must learn to speak life. As I also reflect on the state of the Church and world events, I see a greater need to align my words with God’s word that the Church will continue to grow amid great resistance and persecution. We do not need to speak the enemy’s agenda to kill more children, influence people to hate Christians, and use people to put in place policies that are detrimental to the family institution. We should be speaking or prophesying that the gates of hell will not prevail and the truth will reach more people amid persecution. Our weapons of warfare will be intercession, truly living the Christian life of love, and speaking life in every situation.

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21 (NIV)

I designed these wall arts as reminders that we ought to speak life over our children and create a gossip free atmosphere. When we see and hear a word long enough, we will put it to practice (Joshua 1:8). Digital downloads are available on Christian Mommas Etsy shop. Customization of dimensions/sizes is available.

Speak Life & Gossip Free Printable Wall Art | 8 by 10 and 12 by 18 Instant Download | 3 Designs/Set of 3 | Wall Decors $30.00

Stay blessed!

PS: A Christian Mother’s Creed Devotional Cards and other 5 by 7 greeting cards are now available in printed form. Free shipping within the United States.

Would you like to become a member of God’s family? Please say the prayer below and let me know about it here.

Say this: Heavenly Father,
I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I believe you exist and you sent Jesus to die for me. I receive your love and forgiveness. Reveal yourself to me. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Amen

Welcome to God’s family!

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