Christian Mommas

New Beginnings

Gratitude for New Connections 🙂

Springtime reminds me of new growth, the sound of robins and chickadees music to my ears. The call of a dove cooing to find her partner or maybe a new friend…

The flash of movement as a rabbit scurries across the front garden searching for food or a hiding place. Suddenly, I hear a loud shriek and the wrestling sound of our tabby cat, Nemo running through the dry yellow timothy grass to the safety of our yard.

Nemo’s eyes focused on the safe place just over the fence as he runs full speed. I glanced behind him as a blur of red fur scampers soundlessly across the back pasture.

Hmmm, I ponder, “was that a red fox and her kit; a mom training her baby to find food or fun?”

Nemo is just a bit too friendly. He can even be seen bumping heads with our white and black Boer goat.

Will he ever learn to be cautious with new friendships? His best buddy is a chocolate Labrador dog with golden eyes and Sampson, our rescue black cat.

Nemo assumes all animals are friendly. Surely, there is safety outside the yard. Peace and harmony rule in our home with the occasional struggle for being the lead animal.

Isn’t that so much like life, each contact with another human can be a great beginning or a path to destruction? Being kind, generous, and compassionate are the character traits I want to exemplify. I have to choose God’s character over my own selfish, prideful, judging ways. If I spend time discovering wisdom through fellowship with God, I would better reflect Him to others.

Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek first the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.

Oh yes, I can claim the title of being a Christian but the harder action is to seek the Kingdom of heaven and let Him gather all things for me. I must not be intimidated. It means being open to new friends and being amazed as He opens my friend group to a Sisterhood in Christ that spans the country. Those with like-mindedness who honor the Creator God and want to spread the love of Jesus. This is the body of Christ gathered to do a great work NOT for our glory but to spread the message of the love of Jesus.

Just like the disciples in Acts had to trust the Holy Spirit, seek His wisdom, and throw caution to the wind, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

To know where the Holy Spirit may be leading, we have to prioritize time with Jesus. Initially, it may mean setting aside time to be in the Bible. I find the New Living translation easier to understand. However, you should chose a version that speaks to you. It takes time to set up a habit that would feel natural. Consider using a special, quiet spot, perhaps a quiet corner, or comfy chair in your home, or maybe a park bench in the sun.

Daily setting aside time to be with the Creator of all things will bless you. Give yourself 20 days in a month, specific day a week, 15 min. No guilt if you miss a day. The book of John in the Bible can be a great place to start. You will follow the life of Jesus written by one of his friends, John.

Let His will draw you to Him.

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