Porn for Educational Purposes?

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and child sexual abuse was highlighted in an email I received yesterday. Every time I read about child sexual abuse, my heart gravitates towards porn as a culprit. The spirit of porn does not only seek to destroy marriages and the soul of the one who watches porn; it also aims to kill children.

Earlier this year, I attended a virtual meeting for married Christian women. The speaker was a Christian sex therapist. The meeting was going great until she encouraged couples to use porn for educational purposes.  As I write, I am convicted for not speaking up during the meeting. I should have disrupted the meeting and let attendees know such information is both immoral and unscriptural. My heart breaks for women who may have innocently accepted this information because it was presented on a Christian platform.

There is no such thing as porn for educational purposes. The enemy never presents evil as evil. Evil is often presented as a good thing. Porn is addictive, and it objectifies another. There is a strong link between porn and adultery. Watching porn for educational purposes is also adultery. The spirit of lust has no regard for whatever excuse one has for watching porn. Those images do not simply disappear after watching porn.

Given that porn is a drug, the desire for porn grows over time, which often leads to a desire for violent or extreme porn. This is the gateway to child sexual abuse. Those who watch porn lose the ability to practice self-control. They have to gratify their sexual urge at all costs. Hence, a little child would begin to look like an object of sexual gratification, and child sexual abuse would become a new fantasy. Read this article on the link between porn and child abuse.

Protect your marriage and children from porn. There is NO benefit to watching porn. You do not learn anything good from watching porn; you only acquire or give room to the demon of lust in your life. Everyone gets hurt when porn is given a place in the home.

If you are struggling with porn in your home, please visit HERE for help.

Join me in praying for children in our communities.  This devotional has prayer points that can disrupt the agendas of the enemy for children in our communities.

God bless you.

May your YES to God grow stronger daily.

Right click, save, and print for personal use. I hope this would serve as a reminder to obey Hebrews 13:4.

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Say this: Heavenly Father,
I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I believe you exist and you sent Jesus to die for me. I receive your love and forgiveness. Reveal yourself to me. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Amen

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