Site icon Christian Mommas

The Happy Momma

The Happy Momma,

She finds her sense of worth in God, not in motherhood.

She first identifies as the daughter of the King of kings.

She doesn’t compare herself with others, she knows she was fearfully and wonderfully made like her sisters.

She doesn’t compare her children with others, she knows they are unique gifts from the uncreated one.

She speaks life over her children, even when they break her heart.

She trusts the omnipresent God to care for her children.

She knows God loves her children more than she ever will, so she rests in His unfailing love.

She doesn’t only care for her children, she mothers the motherless.

She doesn’t only feed her children, she feeds hungry children in lands she may never tread.

She takes care of herself, so she can be happy with herself.

She loves her neighbor like she loves herself.

She smiles because she is ever grateful.

Her friends also have Jesus as their Lord.

She may or may not have a husband, yet she is content. For her husband is always the Lord, Jesus Christ. The one she can always trust with her heart.

A happy momma is the momma whose identity is found in Christ, Jesus. He is always enough for her. He satisfies her soul.

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