Hasini Ganegala

Wake Up!

“Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you” (Ephesians 5:14) How much more will it take before the Church wakes up and open her mouth? What kind of a future are we preparing for our children? Every time I pray about all that is happening in the world right now,…

2020 Reflection: Ask Me For Mercy

“Pray for mercy”..Those were the words I heard from the Lord as I prayed when the first wave of COVID-19 hit Europe. Within weeks of beginning a new year, full of hope, expectations and plans, a virus came from the east, swept over the world in weeks. Countries closed their borders, economies fell apart, people…

The Great Deceptive Paradox: Christian yoga

This post is in response to my sister- Temi’s post about prenatal yoga. It is by no means written to hurt or offend anyone, but rather to share the truth as it has been revealed to me in scripture. I briefly mentioned my thoughts on yoga in the comments section of the abovementioned article. But…

Happy Mother’s Day!

Have a Blessed Mother’s Day! God supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory! He is our strength and Shield. He is faithful and He keeps us! Recommended Reading: You Were Happy to Be Mom

The Stay at home mom-life: The Lord who is there

As a stay at home mother, one of the aspects of mom-life that surprised me the most was the isolation and loneliness that came with it. Mothers themselves don’t talk about it, and no one really asks. Everyone just assumes that mothers are busy taking care of babies and that they don’t really need company….

The Stay at Home Mom Life: He is my Shepherd

I will confess. It has been a hard couple of weeks. My family is currently in a season of waiting.  I was low on faith and I found my self unable to trust in the Lord. I complained that He was making us wait so long when our needs were heavy. I let worry and…

The Stay at Home Mom Life:He is My Peace

Recently, I came across two heartbreaking stories in the news. The first was about a father who was facing a life sentence in prison, for causing permanent damage to his newborn. The father woke up in the middle of the night to sooth his crying baby, and got more frustrated as the baby continued crying.…

The Stay at home mom-life: My Banner

“For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” (Deut 20:4, NIV) The struggle is real. It doesn’t matter if you are staying at home, or a working parent, whether you are a parent or not, the struggles become very real the moment you confess…

The Stay at home mom life: The Lord who sanctifies me

Being a joyful mother doesn’t mean that things will always be perfect. God knows that my family drives me crazy. There are times I want to run away and I long for things past, but God always intervene, and challenges me to get my perspective back on track. He uses the voice of my 3-year-old…

The Stay at home mom life: He is my Healer

When I had my babies, one of the hardest things for me as a mother was when they began to fall sick. By God’s grace, my children are healthy. But when they do fall sick, it often brings to my mind parents of children with serious life threatening illnesses, and disabilities, and my heartbreaks for…

The Stay at home mom life: He is my Provider

Over the years I have experienced countless ways God has provided for my family. He has provided for us in miraculous ways but also in subtle practical ways. Every time a need has come up in our family, we do what we did…………….

The Stay at home mom life: A season of intimacy with God

I am a wife and mother of 2 wonderful boys: a 3 year old and an 11 month old. It has taken me 4 years to say that with dignity and gratitude. 4 years of repenting, cleansing, molding before the Lord, to truly own up that role of a stay at home mother. 4 years…