
Yesterday, I missed the opportunity to watch ‘Unplanned’ (trailer below) at no cost because…. new mom life. Messing up baby’s sleep schedule is a No Go.

The discourse of abortion is very personal to me because my mother was given the option to abort me due to the complicated story behind my conception. Thank God I am alive today.

It grieves my heart to see people fight for the right to murder the unborn while some women are scarred with the pain of miscarriage, stillbirth and infertility. It is an irony. While some are fighting to terminate pregnancy like it’s a form of contraception, others will give anything to conceive and fight for the life of their baby.

DH brought my attention to the threats being faced by “Unplanned”. First, the movie was rated R to prevent teenagers from watching. In addition, the producers of the movie are experiencing setbacks in Canada and other countries. You can read more here and sign a petition to show your support for the producers of ‘Unplanned’. This is one way to defend helpless unborn babies. Another way is to pray for those seeking abortion and love on them.

May the peace of God fill our hearts.


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