Do You Care?

One thing I quickly learned as a behavior therapist is that my clients’ parents don’t really care about my scientific knowledge, academic and professional achievements. All they care about is my ability to do my job well from a place of love for their children. That’s all that really matters!

I have also learned that most people don’t care if one is a tongue speaking, Bible believing, mountain moving Christian; they just want to know that you care.

Do you care enough to buy that homeless man some food?

Do you care enough to make someone else feel special?

Do you care enough to correct in love instead of acting self-righteous, like you are better than others?

Do you care enough to pray for someone who needs prayer?

Do you care enough to give sacrificially?

Do you care enough to adopt a child and give a foster kid an opportunity to know love?

Do you care enough to see people and circumstances through the eyes of love?

I am talking to me.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

JAMES 1:27 (NIV)


  1. Do we care is so important. Each year I need a new assistant to help me teach moms from other countries English at the school where their children go. The main thing I look for as we interview people is- Will My Students Know This Person Cares.

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