From Snow Day to Dog Poop Day

My family had plans for a surprise snow. We planned to make a snow man, have the little one enjoy the snow, and take pictures. We also planned to stay off the grass just to avoid stepping on dog poop. Some dog owners do not pick up after their dogs.

All was going well. So, we forgot about staying off the grass. What we thought would happen eventually happened. The little one stepped on dog poop and the snow fun was over.

The action of someone we do not know had an impact on our plan. I was very upset because the little one was upset that we suddenly had to stop playing in the snow. In that moment, I disliked every dog owner in my neighborhood. I was heartbroken.

This type of situation presents itself everyday. One way or the other, other people’s choices and actions can affect us. This is one reason we cannot afford to be selfish in the place of prayer. We should never run out of people to pray for. Our prayer list should be updated frequently. Pray for someone else everyday. Pick a house, school, community, church, county, city, state, pastor, nation, president, friend, etc. Pray for their wellbeing. Your prayer will save someone and save you from being affected by what they could have done wrong. If we truly want to see heaven on earth, we must be selfless in our prayer life.

Become an agent of change in your city. It is for your own good. When you pray for the policemen, firemen, local council members, etc., you are indirectly praying for your own well being. Let us pray for God’s name to be glorified in our cities. So that crime will reduce, death from overdose will reduce, and people will be saved.

Jeremiah 29:7 (ESV)

But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.

Praying for everyone is an important part of the Christian life. When you do not know what to pray specifically for, ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Pray in the Spirit.

1 Timothy 2:1-4 (NKJV)

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 

Stay blessed my friends.


  1. Hi Temi. Your post made me smile, but I do understand how you feel. No one wants to step in dog poop. That is why I don’t have a dog – I don’t like cleaning dog poop.🙂 Anyway, your post is great and the verse in Jeremiah speaks to me. I made a note of it.

  2. Love this analogy and the great lesson you teach through a messy situation. Others do certainly impact me, just as I need to be careful of my impact on them. Thank you for these words!

  3. I loved your share on this sis. ❤
    Our inactions and actions surely has a ripple effect on others.
    Sorry the snow day plan was cut short. 🤗
    And the Jeremiah 29:7 is so profound!.
    The good we pray for in others bears fruits and we eat of those fruits!

  4. Whew!! Good stuff, even if the first part of the post was a messy situation…pointing out all of these areas or topics of prayer is such a good reminder and motivator to me as I’ve wanted to get better about this…I really need to write a prayer list!!!

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