For the Moms – “Our Life in Words” with Temi Michael-O

Dear friends, please read this short and encouraging post I was featured in. There are other great stories to read on
I would like to hear and learn from you all as well: What is one nugget of advice you would give to other moms?


  1. So nice that the Little One looks at his picture Bible while you and your spouse read your bible.
    You are blessed that your spouse reads The Word with you. 🤗

    1. Thank you! It is indeed a blessing that I get to study the Word with my spouse. I used to take it for granted, but I appreciate it now. Today, the little one refused to get his bible. He said “no”. He wanted to read a lady bug book instead and we let him. We are hearing too many “no” from the little one these days.

      1. Hahaha….that is such familiar toddler behaviour.
        He is becoming more independent.
        And lady bug books are great too.
        He has a good start on discovering the beauty and power of words.
        Thanks for sharing.
        I always smile when I hear what the little one is doing.🤗

          1. Temi – Motherhood is a wonderful journey, and mothering, or nurturing, is a wonderful vocation. Many people, not only our biological children , benefit from being emotionally supported and encouraged. This nurturing quality is what God has gifted women especially to do. 🤗 ( men, of course can also be nurturing)

  2. Great post!! I enjoyed those questions, answers, and advice!! I loved what you said here:

    “I am learning to depend on God like my child depends on me.”

    Also my tip would be to apologize to your kiddos when you say/act or do something with impatience…I have friends who don’t believe in apologizing to their kids when they’ve gotten over upset with them, their belief is that it’s part of discipline..kind of saddens me. Pride issue I guess.

    1. Yes, motherhood is bringing me to a place of deeper trust in God and complete dependence on Him. I tell myself, if I can do this good things for my child as an imperfect being, God can do much more for me… if my child enjoys all these things by being my child, i can depend on God as well..

      Thank you for the advice. Ugghh, it breaks my heart when parents don’t see the need to apologize. I will confess that I have had to lay down my pride and apologize to the little one several times since the lockdown. The earlier I start apologizing, the easier it would be for me as my little ones grow older. Sometimes, it’s hard to apologize.

      1. Love that beautiful idea of our relationship with our kids mimicking that of ours with the Lord…so beautiful how you worded all of that❤️
        I know during this quarantine many of my friends have struggled with their kids having bad attitudes about homeschooling…goes to show how much this pandemic has impacted all ages therefore we all have a need to deal with one another with mercy and grace.

        1. Thank you sis! Extending grace and mercy is important. Interestingly, in a small group, we discussed that in the context of marital relationship some weeks ago♥️

  3. I love your share on this big sis. It’s important for parents to model the life and standards their children ought to uphold. I love that the little one is actively involved in your devotion time too.

    One advice or suggestion for moms or better put parents, is that they learn to listen to their children’s feedback. For example, the child says yes to what “rightly” he or she should say no to. Instead of being all up against them and rebuking them, we can find out why they see that as “the right” when its actually the “wrong” it might just be few minutes of explanation and shedding more light on it that will help. And in this, the child understands better rather than just following a bunch of rules. I feel that’s why teenagers today go all out and become something else when they are away from home because they never understood these values in the first place.

    1. Thank you. Your children will enjoy having you as a mother. Great advice! Doing what you have suggested will make our children act from a place of love and understanding, not fear and ignorance ♥️

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