Learning Forgiveness and Patience From the Little One ❤

This week began with a call to walk in forgiveness and I had to live the Word I received. I experienced the pain of a broken heart. You know, those who are closest to us have the power to break our hearts because we expect more from them. I had a choice, to cry out and ask the Comforter for help OR live in unforgiveness by holding back love from the one who hurt me. I chose the former. Unforgiveness breeds bitterness and hinders prayers. Unforgiveness holds one captive. With tears and in pain, I asked God to do what only He can do, heal my broken heart. God answered and when I think about the one who hurt me, I do not see the betrayal or feel the pain. I see a soul in need of redemption. I see a soul Jesus died for and I pray for the one who hurt me. I learned that it was okay to feel the pain of a broken heart because I would never learn to forgive without it. After my experience, I remembered this old post and decided to share it. Be blessed!♥️ God heals broken hearts. God commands us to forgive. It is not a suggestion and His commandments are not grievous.


  1. So true Temi. It really is hurtful when people who are closest to you break your heart. I pray God brings you healing and comfort. 🙏🏿

  2. Ohhhh when we go to Jesus through the trouble it’s so much easier to navigate, because of our surrender and His faithful control…I love, too, that you were able to use this time to reflect back on a “forgiveness and patience” moment with your son…praying this experience subsides quickly ❤️🙏

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