Let Their Voices Be Heard- My Interview with Temi of Christian Mommas Final Part

Please read my final blog series with papa Matt. It was a blessing and privilege to share my story, passion, and God’s goodness! This series with papa Matt and my interaction with fellow Christians in the blogging community reminds me that we are one body in Christ. In God, we are one family.


    1. I enjoyed this series of interviews Temi, and I’m proud of you too. I pray the Lord continues to bless you in your endeavors. Part 4 of your series was enlightening. Counseling for trauma is always a good thing. Slavery and racism have caused trauma. We African Americans can benefit from counseling, as well as White Americans, because many whites have had racism instilled in them from birth. Racism has been in their families for generations, so it’s difficult for them to get over feeling superior to black and brown people. I’m sure counseling could help them with that. As you mentioned, racism is still here. It’s in America, and the world in general, so it’s difficult to get over it, we just have to trust God to heal the hearts of man. Counseling can also help. Also colorism is prevalent in most countries if not all. I recently watched documentaries on the popularity of skin bleaching in Nigeria and the Caribbean. I believe colorism comes from racism too. Many people want lighter skin to feel better about themselves, because white is considered to be the standard. I’m thankful you provide services to help people overcome trauma. God bless you Temi! ❤️🤗

      1. Thank you for reflecting with me. I agree with all you have written. My next video will address the trauma of colonialism because I received some comments about that. And yes the feeling of superiority and having a racist mindset are mental health issues requiring emotional and spiritual attention. I appreciate your deep insight Ms. Dawn ❤

  1. Wow, I must truly say that I am taken aback by such seething apathy, ignorance, and condescension. From the very first line, I must wonder the lack of historical knowledge to truly believe something like this. To begin, as most African Americans are devout Christians do you really think that they have not been doing the same when it comes to “handing the concern” over to God? Are you not aware of the fact that Black churches (white people were not going to worship with black people) were and continue to be burned and even bombed throughout the decades? Do you think they were not claiming the same scriptures as you?

    The “Get Over It!” section is indicative of a lack of compassion and knowledge. So many immigrants have this fantasy of America that they feel is ruined when citizens mention the brutalities and suffering they experience at the hands of the corrupt American government. Racism is more than interpersonal experience of discrimination but a SYSTEM that works to oppress black people, indigenous people, and other POC. From the prison industrial complex to voting to educational funding to neighborhoods to the police (which descended from slave catchers) to the creation of ghettos to the placing of drugs by the Regan administration to the inhumane Black codes that presided for decades, racism is a systemic issue. It is incredibly ironic that you fail to see the irony in you speaking of coming to America for its opportunities while not realizing WHO made those opportunities possible for YOU. Despite all of the struggles Black people in America have had to go through, they, we continued like roses through concrete. In fact, our desire for education is what even helped to establish and better the public education system in this country. In your past lamentation of AA (African Americans) complaining did you never think to realize we established our own universities and communities in the 19th century? Went on to fight for integration. If it wasn’t for the anguish Black Americans have gone through in this country because of the yearning for a better life, you would not have your degrees TODAY.

    “Being sold into slavery must have been confusing” is an almost laughable understatement. It was traumatizing, some even killed themselves. Where is your respect for humanity when writing a line like that?

    While I am a proponent of therapy as having visited a therapist for around 1 year, it was one of the most life changing things that I am grateful for everyday. However, to believe that a lack of doing so is the root of AA’s problems in our country is absurd and bizarre. Do you not realize the irony in that could be flipped on your own home country of Nigeria, using your logic? The corruption and poverty that effect many? While yes, there are many affluent Nigerians who have seemed to make the most of the opportunity in their country, there are even more who experience extreme suffering and hardship. Could it be the generational trauma of having been imperialized by Britain? Having been raped and ransacked and have your own country, customs, languages, cultures, religions stripped from you by force? Again I type that emphasizing the use of YOUR logic. Because I for one would never look at the suffering and oppression that a group of people experience and minimize and place the blame on them. You realize that we have the same ancestors? You realize how much your country changed through Imperialism? You realize white supremacy doesn’t need the presence of white bodies to operate and infiltrate a population? Check the wooden beam that pierces your eye. There’s so much more I could say but I will stop now. For all the bible scriptures you have quoted, I invite you to reflect on ones dealing with humility

    1. Thank you for your response. Perhaps, you did not read the post in its entirety before responding. I can understand your anger. My post pointed out my previous state of ignorance and lack of empathy, followed by a sudden change of heart and mindset after understanding the intergenerational effects of trauma. I recommend that you completely read this post before making a conclusion about the message. Or watch the YouTube video below the post. Thank you for stopping by.

      1. I did read your post in its entirety. I apologize if I came off unnecessarily harsh and maybe it wasn’t your intention but the post reads in a way that feels like you’re placing the blame like a “negative mindset” for being the reasons African Americans continue to face strife and oppression in the country. I definitely believe intergenerational trauma is a real thing. I will check out the video

        1. No problem. I understand that many immigrants sadly have some of the attitudes or mindset you presented. I am not an expert on the discourses of slavery and systemic racism. I do not even feel worthy to address the issue due to my experience. The intention is to get people to stop saying “get over it” because racism and slavery are traumatic experiences. My goal is to encourage parents to reflect on ways trauma can be subconsciously transferred. It would be great to know your thoughts on video. Thank you for your time.

          1. Yeahhh I’ve unfortunately encountered that, (used to be friends with a British Nigerian girl) and it turns out she held a lot of prejudices which was hurtful. But yes I just watched your video and I really enjoyed it! It’s super interesting and I think there’s a lot of truth in it and I’m glad you’re exploring it with research and academically!

            1. I apologize on her behalf. I used to be ignorant and arrogant as well. Thank you for taking the time to watch the video. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Keep educating us, there is a lot of learning to do. Stay blessed Shalenah! 🙂

    2. Thank you Shalenah, I always learn a lot from your knowledge and insight. Racism is a system that is embedded into the fabric of America. Only in recent years have I began to realize just how much so (thanks also for the articles you share with me). Many of the things I have accepted as “normal” in America, I now realize those things were started as part of the system of racism (such as police and the prison system). It’s eye opening to learn these things. Learning about the history of these types of things helps us to better understand why things are the way they are today. We have to continue to educate ourselves on these topics. Although I’m thankful for the opportunities I have had in America, life has not been easy for us here as African Americans (and other people of color) and it’s still a struggle. I’m hoping for the day when true justice is served. I love how you mentioned humility, because it takes humility for each person to stop, look at themselves, and see what needs to change within their hearts regardless of race. Thanks for posting this! I love you! ❤️

      1. Thanks mommy. I’m glad you were moved by my words. You speak the truth in yours as well. Slavery and genocide are entrenched in the country’s genesis. Again I never want to come off as unnecessarily harsh or combative to anyone but once you know how deep racism runs, it’s hard to be completely tranquil. I am thankful for psychotherapy though and the many men and women, especially Black people enter the field. They are so important

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