Praying for your Kid’s School, Teachers and other Students

There is one thing I really like about the little one’s school, they use WEBCAM. So, my husband and I get to check on the little one remotely anytime. Whenever the little one cries during drop off, I quickly call my husband and ask him to check on our little one. It feels so great to have that opportunity. I have seen the little one try to intervene during a fight. Haaa, that was heartwarming. I have seen a teacher act not so nice, that was heartbreaking.

I can’t spend the entire day watching how the little one and other children are being treated. I don’t actively participate in designing curriculums and other things in the school. However, I have a God in heaven who wants me to partner with Him so He can get some things done in the little one’s school… He wants you to do the same. Praying and exercising our authority as God’s children are the major ways we can partner with God.

The sovereign and merciful God has angels that can be released to guard your child’s school (Psalm 91:11). You only need to put those angels to work by requesting.

Your child can be shielded from mean and racist teachers through your partnership with God. You can speak God’s shield of favor over your child (Psalm 5:12). You can pray for a change of heart for the racist teacher (Proverbs 21:1). Buy that teacher a gift and let God show you how to love him or her.

You can pray for that bully in your child’s school and ask God to give your child wisdom to deal with bullies and difficult situations they face in school (James 1:5). Yes, your child must go through his or her own trials.

You can destabilize the stronghold of demonically influenced programs, curriculums and agendas in your child’s school (Ephesians 6:12).

You are not helpless. Ask your father in heaven for wisdom.

Pray for your children’s school authorities, pray for the students, pray for your child. Ask that your joy may be full and God’s peace will set you free from anxiety.

You’ve got the power!


  1. I love this! My son dealt with a bully during 2nd grade. My husband, my son, and I used to pray for the bully and also pray for my son. He also had a really bad teacher. Third grade came and there were no bullies and he had the best teacher he’s ever had. Jesus is our defender. Very timely post for back to school.

    1. I love that your family united in prayer about the issue. It’s so beautiful! This is a big testimony. Thanks for sharing. It is so encouraging.

    1. Thank you sis ♥️ Yes, we ask and receive solutions to problems through prayer. It isn’t simply a religious act, it is one way we converse with our heavenly father.

    1. Thank you for praying. Our prayers are not in vain. We are keeping darkness away. Thank you for taking time to read and comment on this blog. You have been a channel of encouragement. God bless you 🙏

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