Taste and See

Psalm 34:8 (KJV)

O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.

The little one hardly reject any food I give to him. He always taste then decides if he would eat more or push the food away. The little one tastes from a place of trust. The fact that I have given him food that he ended up not liking has not stopped him from tasting again and again.

God is asking us to taste and see that He is good. Taste from a place of trust. What are we supposed to taste? God’s covenant-promises, His Words in the Bible. Hold on to God’s Word concerning your health, finances, child, life, etc. God is His Word. The Word of God is sweet, taste it and keep coming for more.

Is there a challenge before you? Get in God’s Word and taste that the Lord is good. Those who put their trust in God will not be ashamed! ♥️


  1. Psalm 34 is a thanksgiving in which David praises God for His deliverance. I love verse 8 because David tells the people to seek the Lord and to know of His goodness. The words “taste” and “see” are experiential. Like the illustration you gave of your child, before we taste anything, we must “see” the food.

    As Kingdom Citizens, we are in a personal relationship with God and we hunger to know Him better.

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