A Season of Humility

It is interesting that we are celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in a season that has humbled everyone. Jesus Christ the Messiah lived a life of humility, completely surrendered to God even in the face of death. He was able to say, “not my will but yours be done”. Jesus was all about pleasing the Father. He called people to repentance, to seek God, and walk in love. He went about healing, freeing people from demons, feeding the hungry, and doing good works.

A life of humility is dependent on the Almighty God. I pray that this season drives us all to a place of complete dependence on God as our source. A life of humility constantly seeks God’s best, and only accepts what the Bible says. It is a life of consistent spiritual growth. That’s the life of a Christian and it is the good life.

Matthew 21:5

Tell the people of Jerusalem, ‘Look, your King is coming to you. He is humble, riding on a donkey— riding on a donkey’s colt.

Stay safe!


  1. This is indeed a season of humility. You said it quite well. May we continue to look to the Lord for all our need even when this virus is over.

  2. Graceful that Jesus humbled Himself for our sakes. Christ really is our model of Love. A great king, God Himself, coming to earth and living as we do. And He bore it all for our sakes.

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