Before the Year Ends 2021

Congratulations! We are almost at the finish line. What word or phrase springs to mind when you think of the year 2021? For me, it is GROWTH. Welcoming divine interruptions all year long made 2021 a year of growth for me. The blessings, challenges, heartaches, and disappointments of 2021 helped me grow. Good and bad times drew me closer to God, and I learned to stay thankful in every situation. Although my heart aches today due to the loss of a baby I have been waiting to meet (not mine), I will continue standing in faith, trusting God, and keeping hope alive.

Before the year ends, take a moment and thank God for the gift of life. You may not have accomplished your goals, but you have life in you. Being alive is an accomplishment, celebrate it!

Before the year ends, close your eyes and think about the heartbreaking moments and disappointments you felt this year. Thank God for giving you victory whether you experienced victory or hope for victory.

Before the year ends, write down your goals and vision for the coming year in form of thanksgiving or testimony. Examples: “Thank you Father for divine ideas to advance your kingdom”, “Thank you Father for my spiritual growth”, etc. You can make your requests known with thanksgiving.

Before the year ends, forgive those who hurt you and forgive yourself. Do not carry that pain and baggage into a new year. When we do not forgive, we hinder our prayers and hold ourselves captive to those who hurt us. Self-forgiveness gives us the opportunity to embrace new beginnings. Experience freedom, you deserve it!

Before the year ends, sit with your spouse and children and reflect on the year. Ask one another, what did we do right and what can we do better? Let this guide your family’s goals and vision for the new year.

Before the year ends, dream and believe again. Start the new year with hope. The coming year is a gift. What will you do with it?

Let’s do these things together!

Stay blessed.

Grief is an inevitable part of our human experience. Thankfully, the great physician who heals broken hearts and bodies has written letters of comfort and hope to help us navigate grief. While this plan was written for parents grieving pregnancy or infant loss, anyone experiencing grief will find comfort and hope in the scriptures referenced in this plan. Join Temi Michael-O for 5-Day biblical mindfulness practices for navigating grief.

Would you like to become a member of God’s family? Please say the prayer below and let me know about it here.

Say this: Heavenly Father,
I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I believe you exist and you sent Jesus to die for me. I receive your love and forgiveness. Reveal yourself to me. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Amen

Welcome to God’s family!

Author: Temi Michael-O

Temitope Michael-Olaniran (Fafore) is a wife and #boymom. She is the author of A Christian Mother’s Creed. She created this space to share spiritual experiences of motherhood, provide emotional support to families and develop a virtual community where Christian mothers can share Biblical viewpoints on parenting and other aspects of life.

As a lifelong learner with a passion for mental health, Temi is a PhD student (Infant and Early Childhood Development specializing in Mental Health and Developmental Disorders). She is a Perinatal, Infant, and Early Childhood Mental Health consultant, Certified New Parent Educator, trained Postpartum Doula, and U.S. Army veteran.

Click here to contact Temi


  1. The one word for me I would say is FAITH, really needed my faith to get through this year. Great post, God bless you and family in the year 2022!

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