How I Break Depression

Due to the pandemic, anxiety, depression, and other mental conditions are on the rise among new and expecting parents. Losing one’s job while expecting a baby is worrisome. Not getting a desired pregnancy or birth experience during the pandemic can be traumatic. The death of loved ones and other unexpected events are particularly difficult to manage during this time. We were not created for isolation. My prayer is that this post would awaken hope and bring light to anyone struggling emotionally this season. God cares. The God who gave you that child is faithful to provide all you need to care for your child. He heals broken hearts. While we cannot change past events, we have the power to shape how those events affect us. Worrying does not change the outcome of events. So, do not worry. Be blessed as you read!


  1. thanks for sharing this post, my friend. A topic that isn’t spoken about enough among our christian circle. After our 2nd child, I suffered from depression, it truly isn’t an illness I would wish on my worst enemy. BUT GOD…

    1. It is sad that we don’t talk about mental health issues in the Church like we should. I thank God for giving you victory and walking you through that darkness 🙏

  2. Thank you sister for this post as this is a very real issue at present… we see the rise and even those with no previous history are falling prey. May God help us all.

  3. I know this time has messed with so many, I’m continually in prayer over the well being of people as a whole…I’m so thankful God has kept me strong during this season..I’m focusing on remembering that ‘I have a choice!!’ This simple phrase is making a huge difference!❤️🙏

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