You Need Me, I Need You

This post was inspired by my dear sister, Hasini. Yesterday, she wrote about the challenges she faced as a first-time mom and later as a two-kid mom. She also presented ways to overcome mom-guilt and condemnation. Below is an excerpt from Hasini’s post and my thoughts on her propositions.

Isn’t it interesting that Moses, the man who experienced the fullness of God’s presence needed help?! That’s something. It means we will never get to a point in our walk with God where we would not need to fellowship with other believers.

God described Moses as the meekest man on earth, during his time. Perhaps, it was because he humbled himself and asked for help. Moses was not too spiritual to ask for help. Asking for help doesn’t make us weak, it makes us more powerful. Stay humble, ask for help ( I am talking to me).

Photo credit: Hasini Ganegala
Read full post HERE

If you have been thinking about having a church family, you are thinking right. God wants you to go for it. You can trust God to lead you to a church where you can serve and grow spiritually.

As Christian mothers, we must not isolate ourselves on this journey if we truly want to raise godly children. Let’s surround ourselves and our children with godly counsel.

Photo credit: YouVersion Bible App

We were made for relationship, fellowship, and we were born with a desire to connect with others. When the need for connection is disrupted in early childhood, the brain becomes stressed, and it rewires itself to accommodate unnatural ways of connection which impacts relationship with others across the lifespan.

Do you have someone who can pray with you, someone who challenges you to trust and believe God for the impossible? Do you have someone who can be real with you, someone whose words come from a place of love for God and you? We all need to surround ourselves with God-fearing people. If you need a godly friend, you can ask God and be friendly too.

Photo credit: YouVersion Bible App

We should not face every challenge alone. It is more difficult to fight alone. The enemy works hard to cause division in our homes, we must work with God to ensure there is unity in our homes. The enemy knows that disunity in the home hinders our prayers. We should not let pride get in the way of our blessings.

Next time we are tempted to push our spouses away with our words and actions, we should remember that there is a blessing the enemy is trying to steal from us. Let us seek out healthy ways to communicate with our spouses and live in peace. Your spouse is not the enemy, Satan is. Use the power of Matthew 18:19 with your spouse, and watch God transform your home.

I need you, You need me, and We need God. We should NEVER walk alone.


  1. I’m blessed with this post. I’m a type of person that doesn’t like asking people for help. But I’ve learnt that we can’t do everything on our own. We need God and other people. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Very true sis. 💯
    We can not thrive alone!. And allowing God to lead us to the right association is key. Not all associations are needed for one’s grooming both spiritually, physically etc. Right association is key with God too!

    1. I can imagine. I thought of you few days ago. I was writing a post on the imposter syndrome. I was wondering what happened to you..has. I figured you were busy with school. Thank you .♥️

      1. School is winding down and I am so happy to soon sit down and enjoy Christmas 🎄 Also, can’t wait to catch up on all the posts ❤️ looking forward to reading it 🎉🎉🎉🎉

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