I Thank GOD

Today, I am thankful for my salvation. It is a great privilege to belong in God’s family, to be fathered by the creator of the universe, to be loved and held by God. Having a relationship with God grounds me and keeps me centered. It is transforming me. It has given me a purpose and a reason to live. It frees me from comparison and assures me that everything will be alright. Even in the midst of chaos and many challenges, I know it is well with my soul.

I cannot imagine what my life would look like without Jesus.

I cannot imagine what mothering would look like without Jesus in my life.

There was a time I thought I could live in sin because of God’s grace (Romans 6). I doubted the existence of God and the devil was my father (John 8:44). Oh how foolish I was! (Psalm 14:1)

Someone must have been praying for me. I came to my senses one day and a new life started. Since then, I have been on the path to becoming who God wants me to be– a woman living for His glory.

My heart and mouth are singing this all day long:

From now till I walk
The Streets of Gold
I’ll Sing of how you Saved my Soul
This Wayward Son
Has Found his way back Home

He Picked me Up
Turned me Around
Placed my Feet on Solid Ground
I Thank the Master, I Thank the Savior
Because he Healed my Heart
Changed my Name
Forever Free, I’m not the same
I Thank the Master
I Thank the Savior, I Thank GOD

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12 (NIV)

If salvation is found in no one else but Jesus, then it is not okay for us to believe many paths can save people. When we begin to accept such mindset or ideology, we will begin to see no need to tell people about Jesus and bring them to the path that would set them free, and we would no longer see the need to pray for people’s salvation. Even worse, we will become lukewarm Christians (Revelations 3:16).This is not God’s will. God’s will is for all to be saved through Jesus.

I have heard testimonies and I am a testimony of what Jesus can do to the human soul, seemingly perfect people who do not believe in Jesus have a void in their heart that only Jesus can fill (we must reach this people as well), and people have been killed for the gospel. These and more keep me on the go for Jesus!

I Thank GOD!

Would you like to become a member of God’s family? Please say the prayer below and let me know about it here.

Say this: Heavenly Father,
I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I believe you exist and you sent Jesus to die for me. I receive your love and forgiveness. Reveal yourself to me. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Amen

Welcome to God’s family!


        1. Hi Temi :
          This post particularly resonated with me.

          It takes courage, and humility, to share our testimony, but when we do, it often draws others to the Lord.

          Thanks always for explaining the way to become a Christian.
          It requires sincere repentance, and a desire to follow Jesus.

          I was a prodigal, who wandered around in the world for years, until a friend’s testimony showed me the way to the Lord.

          Thanks for posting. 🌼

          1. Thank you for sharing your testimony, grandma Sally! Testimonies are prophetic. Because we serve a just God, our testimonies show others what the future holds for them as well.
            I pray we keep going strong for Jesus and the fire in our hearts never die. ❤

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