Mommas, Are We Playing God?

Yesterday, we celebrated my first little one’s birthday with extravagant love. Seeing him smile as he played with his gifts and best friend and beheld his little cake made my heart glad. God also delights in seeing us happy when we receive the material gifts He provides (Psalm 35:27).

The little one’s birth has been a blessing. His Bible-inspired name means God will add, and true to his name, my family has experienced increases since he joined us. My spouse and I had just enough to care for each other when the first little one was conceived. We had a choice, to trust God for financial provision or look to ourselves to care for our child. We chose the former, and God showed us His blessing does not come with sorrow (Proverbs 10:22). Eight days before our first little one was born, my spouse started a job he was academically unqualified for. He had just completed his MBA but was offered an IT job, and the company was willing to train him. The God of all possibilities, way maker, and miracle worker did it. We have always had more than enough to care for our family since our first little one was born and giving to other families is a special grace God keeps increasing in us.

Reflecting on the financial challenges I and my spouse experienced in preparation for the little one’s arrival, the discourse on abortion came to mind. My heart grieved for families, particularly Christians who have chosen abortion due to financial circumstances. Aborting babies due to financial constraints demonstrates a belief that God is unreliable. I call it playing God. Until we learn to trust God and let Him be our provider, we will keep making decisions that sabotage the future of our seeds, even from conception.

If you have had an abortion for any reason, God does not love you less. Your actions grieved God’s heart, but His love endures. Repentance, an acknowledgment of your sin and seeking to be right in God’s eyes, can free you from the pain of guilt. Healing is available in Jesus, and repentance is how we accept God’s love and say thank you to God for His love.

I urge you, Christian mommas, to trust God to keep your children safe and meet all their needs, material, emotional, etc. God will give you wisdom to know what to do or lead you to the right job, business, etc. Quit leaning on your limited human understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). Stop playing God in your children’s lives. Don’t look to yourself to meet their needs, look to the one who created your children (Psalm 127:3).

Would you like to become a member of God’s family? Please say the prayer below and let me know about it here.

Say this: Heavenly Father,
I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I believe you exist and you sent Jesus to die for me. I receive your love and forgiveness. Reveal yourself to me. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Amen

Welcome to God’s family!


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